Honor Codes

Honor Codes Can reduce plagiarism

The Importance of Honor Codes in Online Classes

Why Honor Codes are Relevant

Why AI Should be Addressed in Your Honor Code

Many Faculty Do Not Have AI Policies

Sample Honor Code and Syllabus Statements that Address AI

Intellectual honesty is vital to an academic community and for my fair evaluation of your work.  All work submitted in this course must be your own, completed in accordance with the University’s academic regulations. You may not engage in unauthorized collaboration or make use of ChatGPT or other AI composition software. Guidance on AI/ChatGPT | McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning (princeton.edu) 

Students must obtain permission from me before using AI composition software (like ChatGPT) for any assignments in this course. Using these tools without my permission puts your academic integrity at risk. Guidance on AI/ChatGPT | McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning (princeton.edu)

AI tools should be thought of as an aid, not a substitute, for learning. Value of the work of education. Since writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills are part of the learning outcomes of this course, all writing assignments should be prepared by the student. Developing strong competencies in this area will prepare you for a competitive workplace. Therefore, AI-generated submissions are not permitted and will be treated as plagiarism.” Artificial Intelligence- AI tools - Academic Integrity and Honor - LibGuides at Otterbein University

We will discuss in class the recent availability of Artificial Intelligence applications such as ChatGPT, considering both the potential usefulness of such applications as a research tool, as well as the negative aspect of using such programs to create content that is subsequently presented as original work. In the latter instance, the use of such an application would amount to plagiarism in the context of this course. Artificial Intelligence- AI tools - Academic Integrity and Honor - LibGuides at Otterbein University

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